Monday, April 2, 2012

Is it Time to Clean Your Spice Cabinet?

Happy April everyone! Now that spring has officially begun, we're sure you are all doing a little cleaning to get your homes and kitchens ready for the warmer weather. One place that many people don't ever think about cleaning out is their spice cabinet. Even though most spices do not have expiration dates printed on them, they do lose potency and flavor over time and should be replaced periodically. Here are a few easy ways to give your spice cabinet a spring cleaning.

  • If spices have not been stored in a cool, dry place they are likely to lose flavor much more quickly. Also, be sure lids are always secured tightly as exposure to air deteriorates dried spices.
  • Do not shake spices directly over a hot pan. The steam can make the rest of your jar lose potency, so instead sprinkle the spice in your hand then add it to the pan.
  • Smell them! Pour a bit of a spice in the palm of your hand and gently rub it. If you can not smell a strong aroma then it is time to replace it.  
  • Check to see if your color is still vibrant. Exposure to sunlight, among another things, can lessen both the flavor and color or spices. Paprika should be a deep red, while you want your dried basil to look grass-green and cinnamon should be the color of rich leather. If they appear faded, the flavor will be diminished as well.